The reality is that you can’t force employees to share knowledge, the employees must want to share knowledge and therefore you must tap into their motivations, assumptions and mindsets to build the collective drive.

Learning more about the organizational behavior theories to help build the program foundation.
Social Cognitive Theory: Based on the ideas that people learn by observing others (observing outcome of expectation, self-efficacy, goal setting and self-regulation.
i.e. People learn by observing others and this increases self-efficacy
Social Exchange Theory: the individual’s expectation that others will participate are positively related to the likelihood that other individuals will cooperate.
i.e. If I share information, others will also share knowledge
Theory of Planned Behavior: Based on “intentions’ and ‘actions’.
I.e. If I find benefit, I will be motivated to find more benefits
Vroom states people’s willingness to act is directly affected by their expectation about the potential efforts of their actions i.e. People will be motivated is there is a positive correlation between efforts and performance. Knowledge Sharing Framework
Looking for even more way to create a culture of knowledge sharing?
Download our 4 Powerful Ways to Capture Intellectual Assets and over 30 different creative ideas to encourage knowledge sharing in your organization.
Click on the MINDSET SNAPSHOT to learn more of the organizational behaviors and adult learning theories and the 4 pillars of knowledge management such Knowledge Capture, Knowledge Sharing, Knowledge Storage and Knowledge Analysis that will help you build your company’s knowledge sharing platform.
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